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Showing posts with the label Kubernetes Installation

Install Kubernetes on Ubuntu

    Introduction Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management. in this post we will  install Kubernetes on Ubuntu 18.04 . Prerequisites ·          2 or more Linux servers running Ubuntu 18.04 ·          sudo or root access ·          Command-line/terminal window (Ctrl–Alt–T) Steps to Install Kubernetes on Ubuntu Set up Docker Step 1: Install Docker Kubernetes requires Docker to run its container.  follow below steps to install docker before we starts kubernetes. If you already have docker installed on your machines then skip this part and start from step2 1. Update the package with below command: sudo apt-get update 2. Install Docker sudo apt-get install 3. if you have more than two nodes then install it on all the nodes w...